Sorry. Just can't let go of that one particular verse in John's narrative recounting of Jesus' final hours with His disciples. Perhaps it's because of our own experience in the waiting through the extended drama of two adoptions. Perhaps its remembering how stressed out we were and then what incredible release and joy and the rush of adrenaline that we experienced when we all walked out of those courthouse doors, baby in arms...OURS!
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:18).
How many times have we looked at those incredibly beautiful kids and said, "What would their lives have been like, if...?" And then brought ourselves back to proper focus by remembering that their Sovereign Lord had ordained their life-path to be a part of OUR family. "I will not leave you as orphans..." Just can't get that verse out of my mind!
On January 25th, Pastor Joe Beneschan is quoted in a newspaper interview as saying, "We just want her home as soon as possible." He was speaking of their adopted daughter, Jenae, for whom the family had waited four years...FOUR be released to their care. Legal processes, mountains of paperwork, and numerous personal journeys to her homeland, Haiti, had come to culmination as a result of a 7.0 earthquake. But then, there was the long, slow, exhausting wait in a Miami airport, as one child after another were placed into the welcoming arms of their new families. And finally, Jenae was handed to her mommy, Kristi. On January 31st the same newspaper included the rest of their story. In that article Pastor Joe is quoted as saying, "It is hard to imagine how the family worked without Jenae. 'It is like the missing piece of the puzzle is finally in place!'"
Four years of waiting and expecting and longing and hoping and dreaming and...a tragedy of epic proportions becomes the avenue of blessing as an "orphaned child" is finally welcomed home!
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you" (John 14:18).
How many times have we looked at those incredibly beautiful kids and said, "What would their lives have been like, if...?" And then brought ourselves back to proper focus by remembering that their Sovereign Lord had ordained their life-path to be a part of OUR family. "I will not leave you as orphans..." Just can't get that verse out of my mind!
On January 25th, Pastor Joe Beneschan is quoted in a newspaper interview as saying, "We just want her home as soon as possible." He was speaking of their adopted daughter, Jenae, for whom the family had waited four years...FOUR be released to their care. Legal processes, mountains of paperwork, and numerous personal journeys to her homeland, Haiti, had come to culmination as a result of a 7.0 earthquake. But then, there was the long, slow, exhausting wait in a Miami airport, as one child after another were placed into the welcoming arms of their new families. And finally, Jenae was handed to her mommy, Kristi. On January 31st the same newspaper included the rest of their story. In that article Pastor Joe is quoted as saying, "It is hard to imagine how the family worked without Jenae. 'It is like the missing piece of the puzzle is finally in place!'"

But what about that dear family from our neighboring Fort Calhoun? Thursday's Omaha World Herald printed this headline: "Two out of three kids arrive in Miami." The Beckers joyfully embraced their adopted daughters, five year old Vialancia, and 15-month-old Jeanette. But where was twin brother, 15-month-old Jean? Separated due to clerical confusion. "They said they were sorry, but they were not able to go back and add him," his mommy said. "We'll just have to figure it out and be ready to be flexible." Joy as they hold and admire their two daughters. Anxiety and uncertainty knowing that the family is not yet complete. (Wonder what happened to the political catch-phrase "No child left behind"?! Guess that is another program all together.)
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
Sorry. Just can't let go of that one particular verse in John's narrative recounting Jesus' final hours with His disciples. So the days may stretch into months or even years. Years may multiply into decades. We long for home. We look for home. We dream of home. We want to go home! But we live on with His word of promise, "I WILL NOT leave you as orphans; I will come to you." He has not forgotten us. He will come for us soon. Are you ready to be home?
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you."
Sorry. Just can't let go of that one particular verse in John's narrative recounting Jesus' final hours with His disciples. So the days may stretch into months or even years. Years may multiply into decades. We long for home. We look for home. We dream of home. We want to go home! But we live on with His word of promise, "I WILL NOT leave you as orphans; I will come to you." He has not forgotten us. He will come for us soon. Are you ready to be home?
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