You can tell them, "Pastor Tom says I don't have to go to church anymore!"

  • Friday, January 6, 2012

  • I think my record is 53. Understand that I am seriously IT challenged. I finally get the concept that perhaps my MacBook is running slow because of embedded 'cookies' and cleaning those out often restores power. But when my iPhone slowed, I had to turn to my 10-year-old granddaughter for help. With the double tap of the lower button, she began to close Apps. "Papa, did you know you had 53 Apps running? That is amazing!"

    As we, the Faith Family, rapidly approach our 20th birthday (April 25, 2013), it seems appropriate to do a ministry "re-boot." We will no longer be considered adolescent but instead fall into the category of adulthood. As the years of our youth fade in the rear-view mirror, excitement grows as we lean forward to grab hold of those unique opportunities for which the Father has been preparing us. Now is the time to take inventory.

    · Are we the Church He called us out to be?

    · Are we faithfully doing all He has tasked us to do?

    · Are we on mission?

    · Are we as effective as His grace would cause us to be?

    To prepare ourselves to passionately and purposefully seize our moment in HIS-story, we must pause to review our core values, reaffirm our foundational convictions and refocus our ministry endeavors. Over time, 'cookies' have become embedded and 'apps' which are no longer in use, remain in place. It's time to check the embedded cookies. Time for a double click and perhaps close some apps. Simply put, it is time for a ministry "re-boot." This is Faith Mission 2012!

    We will look at the "who" and the "why" questions. We will declare again the clarity of our mission. Our corporate gatherings during the Sundays of January will be built around the theme, "I Am the Church."

    Mission 2012: Reboot Faith!

    So, go ahead and tell them, "Pastor Tom says I don't have to 'go' to church anymore!"

    See you Sunday, Church!

    Pastor Tom


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