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We often recite a prayer which we call The Lord’s Prayer as recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. A more correct term for that prayer would be the disciples’ prayer. The 17th chapter of John is the true Lord’s prayer, a unique look into the communication between Jesus our Lord and God the Father. In this time of communicating together, Jesus prays first for Himself, then for the disciples, and finally for the church.
Our time together Sunday focused on the first part of this prayer. He began with prayer recognizing His destiny, the hour in which He would go to the cross to demonstrate His love for us. That hour was a turning point for the world. That hour was planned from the beginning. That hour changed the world forever. That hour in which he was burdened with our sins, and the sins of all mankind. There is no hope for the hopeless if it does not center on that hour.
Even as Thou gavest Him authority over all mankind, that to all whom Thou has given Him, He may give eternal life. John 17:2
As Christ prayed, He acknowledged His sovereignty. He has authority over all mankind. He has authority over Satan. He has authority over death. He has authority over the physical world. He has authority over death. He has authority to receive our worship. We are God’s gift to Jesus and Jesus is God’s gift to us.
And this eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent. John 17:3
Here Christ speaks of intimacy, of knowing. He prays as much for our intimate relationship with God the Father as He does for His intimate relationship with God the Father.
I glorified Thee on the earth, having accomplished the work which Thou hast given Me to do. John 17:4
In speaking of accomplishing the work, Christ speaks of His finality as the hour approaches. He has completed His work on earth. He has glorified God in all his works. He has glorified God in His teaching. He has glorified God with His life. In a short while He would utter the words “It is finished,” to show the finality of His time on earth.
Take a few moments right now, turn to John 17, and read this remarkable prayer, the True Lord’s Prayer. Then rest comfortably in the sovereign purposes of God, knowing that even now, Jesus is praying for you. Amen.
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