

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Rod + A Staff = Comfort

"A wise son accepts his father's discipline, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke."  Proverbs 13:1
"He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently."  Proverbs 13:24

Throughout the Book of Proverbs, there are many "themes" and reoccurring words & phrases, such as "discipline." In fact, within the books of Scripture referred to as "wisdom," there are 18 verses with the word "discipline" with 16 of them in Proverbs!

Discipline is best viewed not as punishment but rather as correction. Psalm 23 reminds us that the Shepherd's rod and staff are actually tools of comfort, for when we live within the Master's plan, there is honor and wisdom and understanding for us!

After reading all of the verses in Proverbs that deal with correction and discipline in some way, Pastor Tom summarized them into five aspects of correction.

  1. The Urgency Of Correction. Sin is a heart-deep issue as we are all born sinners, with a fleshly desire to love self over God. Our bent is to sin and to keep on sinning. No one has to teach a toddler how to be self-centered or selfish! We all need to have patterns of sin and our focus on self corrected!  Proverbs 22:15; Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 15:10
  2. The Meaning Of Correction. Discipline is instructional as it is correction that contributes to education. To discipline is to exhibit true love. God loves us so He corrects us!  Proverbs 3:11-12; Proverbs 19:18
  3. The Goals Of Correction. Correction desires to develop self-discipline and the control of personal urges and passions (remember one of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control) so that we all will be pleasing to the Lord.
  4. The Rewards Of Correction. The one who has received discipline is wise, protected from the lures of immorality and will demonstrate true wisdom which can be viewed as "skillful living."  Proverbs 12:1; Proverbs 2:16; Proverbs 6:23; Proverbs 10:1; Proberbs 29:17
  5. The Methods Of Correction. The primary resource is verbal instruction and is coupled with "discipline modeled" as undisciplined adults do not produce disciplined children! Ongoing instruction that also includes expressions of disapproval and disappointment and a clear understanding and teaching of the consequences of our actions and the consequences of sin. Spanking (the "rod") is reserved for the one who refuses to learn from the verbal instruction offered and is essential if a soul is hell-bound to destruction.
But...Using "the rod" should be a last resort and requires clearly differentiating between "crushing a spirit" and "shaping a will." It may prove necessary, but it is to be reserved for the individual who stubbornly refuses to respond to verbal instruction and appeal.

Cautionary words on "correction"...
  • Slapping the face, squeezing the cheeks, jerking an arm are not acts of biblical discipline!
  • Yelling and berating is not instructing or teaching
  • Coming down to fight on their level is not leadership
  • Any discipline done in anger will ultimately be ineffective and will quickly lead to abuse
  • As a child grows in age and responsiveness, the methods implemented for correction will also change
Proverbs is scripture to live by! It is wisdom that if we really listen and take to heart, we will be blessed! This summary of discipline is not just for parents and young children but for all of us since we are His children and sometimes need to receive correction ourselves.

And now, the rest of the message from Pastor Tom!

As promised on Sunday as I was running out of allotted time, here are some summary points to prayerfully contemplate as you seek God’s guidance and biblical insight into the application of the Word in rearing God’s children. These are the notes which remained on my preaching outline. I share them with limited comment trusting that God will use them to stir you to further thought and consideration.

  1. Imperfection: You will never have perfect kids and they will never have perfect parents! "If we would only give them the grace we demand for ourselves," words to my wife from a dear friend.
  2. Preparation: Pray and plan before you act. Thoughtfulness and time to "listen" to the voice of the Lord will certainly improve the correctness and effectiveness of biblical discipline.
  3. Affection: Be sure your kids have experiences which validate your love for them. No effective discipline is administered apart from a special family of loving acceptance. Have recent family experiences affirmed your true love for this child?
  4. Expectation: Be sure your verbal instruction and expectation has been clear. Discipline must be consistent with clearly articulated expectations.
  5. Clarification: Distinguish between what is childishness and willful defiance. It is inappropriate to "discipline" a child for what is simply a life-stage growth situation rather than a knowing act of rebellion. They forget. They spill. They drop and break things. They explore and experiment. They get dirty. They trip and fall. They get hungry and tired and claustrophobic!
  6. Intention: Be certain that your act of discipline is in harmony with the long-term goal of developing godly maturity not simply reaction to a short-term personal inconvenience. Discipline is forward looking; its goal is a God-responsive and responsible adult.
  7. Affirmation: Be sure you follow correction with free expressions of love and approval! "…the son in whom he delights" ...affirms, approves.
"…Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me…" David who knew the blessing of both shepherding resources.
  • Rod: Protection for the Flock
  • Staff: Correction for the Flock
These instruments in the hands of a shepherd who is committed to laying his own life on the line to protect and provide for the welfare of his flock are not a source of fear or dread but a cause for security and comfort!

Dad and Mom…shepherd your flock with love!

Blessings as God graces you with wisdom and insight to raise His kids for His glory!
Pastor Tom

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