

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Fear that Ends All Fear

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10

Come on, give me a break. Like you have never threatened your kids on a long family trip! "If you don’t stop pestering __________, I’m going to _______!" :)

"But I digress..."

As we near the conclusion of our summer season in the book of wisdom, our "Hope for the Harried Household" study, I have been reflecting on what lessons I have personally been learning.

  1. I was challenged again by Proverbs 3:5-6, the text every Sunday School and VBS student is taught early on. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding..." Though it is a truth that is not new to me, I was brought up short once more by considering the reality that it is easy for me to "believe" in God, but quite another thing to actually put my "trust" in the Lord. And my hesitation regrettably has something to do with my misinterpretation of the "fear of the Lord." I had to admit that I tend to "fear what He might do to me" rather than revere and respect Him in such a way that I would "fear what I might do to HIM." Trust...leaning totally and exclusively on Him...a lesson still in the learning.
  2. To recognize once more that the word “own” is not actually in Proverbs 3:5-6. I, like you, learned it, “...and lean not on your own understanding,” a matter not that difficult to embrace; I am painfully aware of my limitations. However, I have to confess that I have a graving for explanations, for insights, for the clouds to be pulled back in order to gain some perspective on circumstances I do not understand in hope that if I do see it in a different light, the understanding gained will enable my trusting. I have been challenged to "trust in the Lord" while accepting the fact that His way will bring me into areas where there is no understanding. My trust must rest in Who and What He is, not in my understanding of Why or What He is doing. "Trust in the not lean on understanding."
But I have disgressed...back to the topic at hand. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." The secret to our living wisely, our successful navigation of the troubled waters of our lives, is found in a proper reverence and respect for God that is content to rest in Who and What He is, a resting that is becoming a reality because our "understanding" is focused upon His person and His character, not His processes. And in that insight I have come to admit that my "fear of the Lord" is a whole lot more a fear of what He will do to me, than a fear of what I might do to Him.

So how would you characterize your "fear of the Lord"? Got a window seat in mind?

See you Sunday, Church!
Pastor Tom

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