Extreme Giving

  • Tuesday, January 12, 2010
  • Turning the Page

    There's something about turning the page of a calendar that helps you realize that things have changed. When you turn the page you put the old events behind you and anticipate some of the activities that lie ahead.

    At Faith Bible Church on Sunday, we turned the calendar. And as we did, we took a look at last year's budget and a review of the year gone by. International ministry in India, Nepal, East Asia, Mexico, Peru. Community ministry in hundreds of offices, school rooms, neighborhoods, retirement communities, the People's City Mission, Crisis Pregnancy Center. In our own building with classes, AWANA, weekly worship, weddings, baptisms, and yes, even funerals.

    Then we anticipated the new year before us. We commissioned 16 members of our Ministry Council, a look at the budget for the year ahead, and a review of our vision and mission as a church.

    The lesson dealt with the type of church we have become. Pastor Tom noted some churches are attractional (seeking to draw people into the church by offering a spectacular Sunday event or programs), but FBC is incarnational. As you reflect on that term, you may look up incarnation in the dictionary or even google the phrase incarnational church. If you do, chances are you'll land upon a page you can find by clicking here.

    But, to take this complex theological concept and turn it into something we can grasp, we are to act as Christ did as we go about our daily lives. Our ongoing study in the Gospel of John is an ideal guide. Christ was out among the people. He attended their weddings. He sat down and talked with them. He shared meals with them. He taught them. He fed them. He challenged them to seek a life that was driven by more than looking for the next meal. He challenged some of the religious leaders of the time.

    Another way to think of Faith Bible as incarnational, we are a thousand lights scattered across Lincoln. Think of yourself as a candle in the darkness as you go about your day whether it be at a drive-up window getting coffee, seated at a table in a restaurant, driving in your car behind that insane person in front of you, interacting with co-workers, or just talking with the clerk at the grocery store. Then, consider our time of worship together as an opportunity to restore your candle so you can return out into the world.

    Now, as we conclude, let's return to that calendar. We've not only turned a new page, but we've put up a whole new calendar. It's a new year and some exciting things lie ahead for Faith Bible. We're seeking a group of young leaders from within our congregation to carry us through the next year, decade, and on into this century. We're moving toward accepting the invitation from the First German Congregational Church to partner with them in keeping that church alive in the central city. And, we're being challenged to anticipate and prepare for planting a new church sometime during the year. Let your light shine in the community and pray for the weeks and months ahead for Faith Bible Church.


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